
Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Blogging challenge: My zoom out story

On the 10th April we played the Zoomout Game. This is a follow up post. The Zoomout Game is when you add an image to your blog, and start a story in the comment section. Other classmates add to your story in the comment section. Finally we had to create a story from what people said in the comments. These were the comments in my blog.
  • Baby Rocky is a smart little kitten. 
  • His eyes were so blue he could see in the dark. 
  • He was getting ready to sneak out while his parents were sleeping.
  • He was seeking revenge on the evil dogs from across the road that had tried to catch him last week. .
  • He sees them through the window sleeping. 
  • Now is the time to attack.However, one woke up suddenly and he had to think again. 

After two days of watching and thinking he eventually had a clever plan. He wondered if he had the courage to pull it off.

Here is my story

This is Rocky. He is naughty and he is gonna sneak out to visit the powder puff unicorns. He creeps through the window and leaves. Mom and Dad wake up. Rocky goes to the unicorn's house. But mom and dad come after him and take him away.

The next night he tries to sneak out to a party. He is in the road. The cars are everywhere. One car is mom's car. 'What is she doing up?' Rocky thought. He followed her. When her car stopped Rocky saw her go into a old factory. Rocky followed her. His mom was talking to dog. The dog passed his mom something and his mom gave him money for it. This is what his mom said to the dog: 'Thanks for the catnip and she licked him on the cheek. The dog started to bark at his mom.  Rocky stepped back to run but he tripped on a can. Clang, clang, blang went the can.
"What was that? said his mom. 

Rocky raced to his home to get his dad. When he found his dad he told him everything. His dad went to the kitchen and got a knife in case the dog got nasty, and he said 'Run' with a determined look in his eye. Rocky ran fast. They saved his mum from the evil dogs. 


  1. Well done Izamun. You put together a story imaginatively from all your Zoomout comments. You have received your ZOOMOUT CREATOR badge

  2. Hello. My name is Ethhay.
    I like this post because it has kittty cat.
    I think your blog beautful.
